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发布日期:2025-01-04 11:27    点击次数:104
海外专家表示,中共二十届三中全会提出的改革方案表明,中国将继续推进中国式现代化和经济全球化,完善社会主义市场经济体制,用技术创新的成果来惠及百姓,改善人民的生活品质。 Lujiazui, the financial center in Shanghai, forms a perfect backdrop to the Bund area. [Photo by Wang Gang/For China Daily] The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has unveiled a strategic road map to deepen reform and advance modernization, which will further boost China's socioeconomic development and improve its people's lives, overseas analysts said.海外分析人士称,中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议(下称二十届三中全会)对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出战略部署,将进一步推动中国社会经济发展,提高人民生活水平。 The third plenum concluded on Thursday, with a communique issued to announce the adoption of a resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization.二十届三中全会于7月18日闭幕,并发布公报称,全会审议通过了《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》(下称《决定》),宣布了关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定。 Michael Dunford, emeritus professor at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, said the key meeting was "striking in its extraordinary comprehensiveness and scope of the reform agenda, affecting every aspect of Chinese society".英国萨塞克斯大学荣休教授唐迈表示,二十届三中全会“提出的改革方案无论是全面性还是广度都让人印象深刻,将影响中国社会的方方面面”。 New quality productive forces have the potential to transform many aspects of life, contribute to China's economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancements, and drive the growth in productivity, Dunford said, adding that these are "key to improved living standards and an improved quality of life".唐迈指出,新质生产力将可能改变生活的许多方面,推动中国的经济、政治、文化、社会和生态发展,并促进生产力的提高。他表示,这些“对于提高生活水平和改善生活品质至关重要”。 Jasna Plevnik, president of the Croatian think tank Geoeconomic Forum, said the third plenum has set the stage for China to enter an era of high-quality development faster, with the support of new and long-term comprehensive economic reforms.克罗地亚智库地缘经济论坛主席亚斯娜·普莱夫尼克表示,在新的长期综合性经济改革的支持下,二十届三中全会为中国加快步伐进入高质量发展时代奠定了基础。 The communique sends clear, firm and encouraging messages that the country is continuing with peaceful Chinese modernization, a socialist market economic system and economic globalization, she said.普莱夫尼克指出,公报传递出清晰、坚定且鼓舞人心的信息:中国将继续推进和平发展的中国式现代化和经济全球化,完善社会主义市场经济体制。 According to Linda Tjia Yin Nor, an associate professor in the Department of Public and International Affairs at City University of Hong Kong, the promotion of new quality productive forces by the plenum resolution is not only about developing high-end technology, but also about strengthening innovation.香港城市大学公共和国际事务部副教授谢燕娜表示,《决定》提出要发展新质生产力,不仅和发展高科技有关,还意味着要加强创新力。 Innovation doesn't necessarily mean using state-of-the-art technology, but could also mean the smart application of existing technologies, Tjia said, noting that China is focusing on how technology can be used to benefit a greater number of people.谢燕娜指出,创新不一定是在尖端技术上创新,也可以是在现有技术的智能运用上创新。她指出,中国关注的是如何运用技术来惠及更多百姓。 Shakeel Ahmad Ramay, CEO of the Asian Institute of Eco-civilization Research and Development in Pakistan, said the plenum resolution shows that China is launching a comprehensive governance modernization program.巴基斯坦亚洲生态文明研究与发展研究所首席执行官沙基尔·拉迈表示,《决定》表明中国正在启动一项综合治理现代化计划。 China has made great efforts to strengthen and advance whole-process people's democracy, he said, adding that Chinese democracy ensures inclusiveness, continuity of interaction among the Party, the government and the people, and rules-based governance.拉迈指出,中国为完善和推进全过程人民民主做出了巨大努力,并表示中国式民主兼具包容性,实现了党、政府和人民之间持续性的良性互动,确保了基于规则的治理体系的运转。 Dennis Munene, executive director of the China-Africa Center at the Africa Policy Institute in Kenya, said the key meeting underscored that China is a country governed by high-quality vision and values, and that China aims to build itself into a modern socialist country in all respects.肯尼亚非洲政策研究所中非中心执行主任丹尼斯·穆内内表示,二十届三中全会表明,中国是一个基于高质量发展愿景和价值观来治理的国家,中国计划将自身建设成全方位的社会主义现代化国家。 英文来源:中国日报编译:丹妮审校:董静、齐磊